CrossOver Young Adult Ministry 

The CrossOver Ministry seeks to disciple Young Adults, ages 18-40, and integrate them into active participation in the life of the St. Stephen Baptist Church. By following Christ’s example, we will encourage members to seek an authentic relationship with Christ, spiritual growth, and participation in worship services, outreach, ministry and leadership. 
Ministry Leader: Minister Renee Johnson

Daughters of Imani

Theme: Courageous Young Ladies Living a Purpose Driven Life
Empowering young ladies to thrive, and not follow or imitate the ways of the world. Teaching them to love and respect thyself and others as they embrace who they are in Jesus Christ.  -  Philippians 4:13 
Ministry Leader: Elder Patricia Stokes

I.M.P.A.C.T. Youth Ministry 

Intentionally Ministering & Practicing All Christian Truth. At SSBC, we know that our youth are one of our most valuable assets. This ministry’s focus is to equip our youth to be spiritual leaders in their homes, church, government and workplace.   This ministry seeks to teach our youth to apply biblical principles to everyday life situations.  - I Timothy 4:12 
Ministry Leader(s): Elder Anthony Borges (Leader) &  Deaconess Dorothy Anderson (Co-Leader) |

Toddler Ministry

Our mission is two-fold: (1) To meet children at their level of development, and teach them the love of Christ and the joy of His forgiveness and salvation.  (2) To help them learn the truth of His Word, and to encourage their growth within the body of Believers. Parents are encouraged to fully participate in the worship experience. 
Ministry Leader: Sister Meltonya Wakefield

Young Lions

Ministry Leader: Brother Keneth Clark

Elder Anthony Borges

Executive Team Leader