Cancer Support Ministry

Through God’s direction, the Cancer Support Ministry encourages, prays, comforts and supports persons diagnosed with cancer, and their loved ones. The goal of this ministry is to provide education on the various kinds of cancer, treatment and prevention, as well as the importance of doctor’s visits and annual examinations. We solicit the expertise of professionals in the field to come in to speak with the Ministry and encourage personal testimonies of faith and survival. We go door to door in the community distributing flyers that inform of the support available at SSBC. The Ministry’s efforts focus on the importance of witnessing to those who have cancer and have not accepted Jesus as their Savior and Lord.   - Isaiah 53:5 
Ministry Leader: DIT Cassandra Larkins  |

Evangelism Ministry

The purpose of Evangelism at SSBC is to glorify God by helping every believer effectively and faithfully participate with Christ in sharing the gospel by lifestyle and work in our community and the world.  - Matthew 28:18-20 
Ministry Leaders: Elder Deborah Bethel-Patterson | &
Minister Renita Henderson |

Intercessory Prayer

A prayer covering is maintained over SSBC to lift and protect the leadership, the Body of Christ, and the work of God through commitment and consistency.   - Matthew 21:13 
Ministry Leader: Elder Renita Richardson |

Marriage Ministry 

The SSBC Marriage Ministry exists to provide biblical insight and relational support in order to bring couples (man and woman) into a stronger relationship that honors God.   - Ephesians 5:21-33 
Ministry Leaders: Bishop Lanier & First Lady Tonya Twyman |

Men's Ministry: The King's Men

The SSBC Men’s Ministry supports the church’s mission statement: To educate, equip and unite men, by the aid of the Holy Spirit. We seek to spiritually position ourselves to edify and encourage each other; to effectively evangelize and witness to the lost; to promote personal relationships with Christ; and to exalt the Savior. This ministry encourages men to be the spiritual leaders in their homes, in the church and in the workplace.   - I Corinthians 13:11 
Ministry Leader: Deacon Maxwell Gantt |

Missionary Ministry

SSBC Missionaries promote ministry in working with the church; to fulfill its mission to save souls for Jesus Christ and assist them in becoming mature Christians. This ministry also identifies community needs in housing, clothing, food, and cares for the sick and shut-in. - Matthew 25:24-40 
Ministry Leader: Sister Rirette Wilkerson |

Prison Ministry

Our mission is to offer Christian development and growth to inmates and ex-offenders through the Word of God. Our purpose is to lead them to fruitful and abundant lives that are healed, restored, renewed, transformed and centered in Christ. - Matthew 25:35-36, 40 
Ministry Leaders: Brother Darryl Johnson & Sister Tonya Briscoe |

Protocol Ministry 

The Protocol Ministry ensures that all worship services flow in the spirit of excellence and order. It is the job of protocol liaisons to maintain the integrity of all services and events. 
Ministry Leader: MIT Deacon Robert Scott |

Satellite Ministry 

To magnify the name of the Lord by supporting the Pastor and church with congregational care of its online members. To guide online members in staying connected to all facets of SSBC. Building relationships, continued discipleship development, giving, and service.  Galatians 6:10 says, "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the house of faith. 
Ministry Leader: Elder Felecia Wallace |

Surrender to Win Ministry

We are dedicated to personal one-on-one sharing of faith, strength and hope as we are committed to live each day in recovery. We work to regain and maintain balance and order in our lives through active discussion of the following: The Bible, the 12 Steps, experiences in our own recovery from abuse, family dysfunction, depression, anxiety, grief, relationships and/or addictions of alcohol, drugs, food, pornography, sexual addiction, etc.  - II Corinthians 4:6; 1 Peter 2:9 
Ministry Leaders: Brother Sabu Waters |

Women's Ministry: Women Walking in Worship

The SSBC Women’s Ministry supports the church’s mission statement: To educate, equip and unite women, by the aid of the Holy Spirit. We seek to spiritually position ourselves to edify, and to encourage each other; to effectively evangelize and witness to the lost; to promote personal relationships with Christ, and to exalt the Savior.   - Proverbs 31 
Ministry Leader: First Lady Elder Tonya Twyman |

Pastor Clarence Wm. Dow

Executive Team Leader

Amorbearers Ministry
Marriage Ministry
Men's Ministry
Protocol Ministry
Women's Ministry

Pastor Jeffrey Jackson

Executive Team Leader

Cancer Support Ministry
Evangelism Ministry
Intercessory Prayer
Missionary Ministry
Prison Ministry
Surrender to Win Ministry