Dance Ministry
At SSBC, we praise God in many ways. The SSBC Dance Ministry displays worship and praise in the form of dance that honors God and ministers to the congregation. “Praise Him with the timbrel and dance: praise Him with stringed instruments and organs." - Psalm 150:4
Ministry Leader: Sister Kena Green | ssbcdanceministry@gmail.com

Dramatic Witness Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to educate, inform and inspire believers and unbelievers, alike, of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, through drama. The Dramatic Witness Ministry of SSBC is a tool to bridge the generational gap by incorporating the participation of all ages. - I Corinthians 9:22
Ministry Leader: Sister Tiffany Morrison | mstif2006@yahoo.com

Marketing Ministry
The Marketing Ministry serves our congregation and community through effective communication. We provide print, electronic, still photography and video services to assist SSBC leadership and ministries in reaching internal and external audiences.
Ministry Leader: Elder Robert Barrett | marketing@ssbcmd.org

Media Ministry
Our goal is to support the church’s Mission Statement; proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world, by providing state-of-the-art multimedia services, within the church facilities, to the church membership, visitors and throughout the world by producing and providing CD’s and DVD’s; producing video for television and web broadcast and audio production for web broadcast and radio. - I Chronicles 23:28
Ministry Leader: Elder Robert Barrett | media@ssbcmd.org

Music Ministry
Our choirs provide worshipful music that prepares the heart of the congregation for receiving the Word of God. “Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord.” - Ephesians 5:19
Ministry Leader: Elder Shaun Pressley | worship@ssbcmd.org

Website Ministry
The Website Ministry offers avenues of timely, critical response and engagement. It also provides a presence to those searching for answers about the St. Stephen Baptist Church.
Ministry Leader: Elder Robert Barrett | marketing@ssbcmd.org