Bookstore Ministry 

The SSBC Christian Life Bookstore’s primary purpose is to provide religious materials as a convenience to the staff and members of the church, assisting them in their personal walk with the Lord. The Bookstore's operations assist SSBC in the furtherance of its “Equipping” ministry purpose. These operations are not commercial in nature.  Publicity to the general public is not emphasized.   - Ephesians 4:12 
Ministry Leader: Sister Gwendolyn Lawrence |

Business Owners Successfully Succeeding

To provide SSBC business owners, potential business owners and nonprofit organizations with valuable resources, networking opportunities and world-class services that empower our God-given talents to fulfill our Christian Business calling and maximize our Christian impact in the marketplace.  - Ephesians 4:15-16 
Ministry Leader: VACANT

Culinary Ministry 

This ministry is responsible for planning and coordinating all meals served on the church's premises, as well as overseeing the use of the church's kitchen. “You will have plenty to eat, until you are full.”  - Joel 2:26
Ministry Leader: Sister Glendora Green |

Emergency Assessment Unit (Nurses)

The caring members of the SSBC Emergency Assessment Team give medical assistance to church members and visitors during worship services and other church-related activities or sponsored functions.  - II Corinthians 1:4
Ministry Leader: Trustee Joann Booze |

Safety and Security Ministry 

The SSBC Security Officers guard all church property against fire, theft, vandalism, illegal entry or other violations of state, county or organizational rules of misconduct. The Security Ministry is responsible for maintaining, safe and secure grounds and buildings for SSBC ministries.  - Isaiah 54:17 
Ministry Leader: Sister Kareen Campbell |

Transportation Ministry 

This ministry provides safe and secure transportation for members and guests to and from church-related ministry functions and activities. - Exodus 15:17 
Ministry Leader: Deacon Charles Dais |

Trustee Ministry

Our mission is to be faithful stewards of God’s household. Trustees keep the church and other properties decent, in order and pleasing to God. Trustees prayerfully make decisions to utilize available resources for completion of tasks based on sound business practices.  - I Corinthians 4:2 
Ministry Leader: Trustee Kennard Jones, Sr.  | 

Trustee Kennard Jones, Sr.

Executive Team Leader  |  (301) 899-8885

Trustee Laverne Merrill

Executive Team Leader

(301) 899-8885