Beyond Brokenness Bereavement Ministry

Grieving to Believing: The loss of a loved one can make you feel wounded, alone, depressed, and angry (in some cases). Therefore, we desire to break through the crisis of “Grieving” to that crucial point of “Believing” that Jesus Christ is able to deliver you from all feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, and helplessness.  - Isaiah 41:10 
Ministry Leader: Deaconess Liz Moses |

Diaconate Ministry

At SSBC, the Deacons' principle function is to glorify God by supporting the purpose and work of God in and through the church. The general mission of the Deacons is to carryout those administrative and ministry needs that free the Bishop, Pastor, Elders and Ministerial staff to giving their full attention to praying, reaching, preaching, equipping and giving oversight to leadership and shepherding matters of the body.  - Acts 6:1-7 
Ministry Leaders: Deacon Fred Warren & Deaconess Patricia Warren |

Seniors Ministry 

SSBC provides an effective Senior Adult program, ministering to the specific needs of Seniors and developing them through outreach and fellowship opportunities.  - Psalms 37:25 
Ministry Leader: Sister Christine Anderson |

Ushers Ministry

At SSBC, the entire Ushers Ministry goes far beyond opening a door. The principle function of an Usher is to represent Christ to all that come to worship at the church. In a sense, they serve as the host of the building in which believers and guests gather to seek God.  - Psalm 84:10 
Ministry Leader: Trustee Millie Sherrill |

King's Men Ushers

Deacon Fred Warren

Senior Ushers

Deaconess Theodora Anderson

Junior Ushers

Sister Dolliena Harris

Deacon Fred Warren

Executive Team Leader

Deacon Melvin Ford, Sr.

Executive Team Leader

Deaconess Patricia Warren

Executive Team Leader