4 Week Wellness Challenge | February 2nd - March 2nd

Join SSBC ChurchFit for the 4 week wellness challenge! There are 3 challenge tracks: competitive, non-competitive, and self-paced. Those on the competitive track accumulate points for each completed activity. For more information, please contact the ChurchFit Ministry Leaders, Bro. Kevin & Sis. Janet Harris at ChurchFitssbc@gmail.com.

  • All water and meals must be consumed between 6AM - 7PM.
  • Physical Activity: 30 minute activity focused on cardio.  
Competitive and non-competitive tracks: you must record beginning and ending of exercise, then post the stats from your tracker in the Marco Polo group.
  • Meditation: Start your morning or end your day with a positive meditation video.
Competitive and non-competitive tracks: please record and share the opening and closing of the meditation video on Marco Polo.
  • Daily steps: Track daily steps with your fitness tracker (Fibit, Apple Watch, Garmin)
Competitive and non-competitive tracks:  post before midnight in Marco Polo.
  • Meatless Monday: No meat, meals should include fruits, vegetables, high fiber carb. You can replace one meal with protein drink.
  • Fasting Wednesday:  only water from 6AM-6PM.  (Unless under Doctor’s orders)

Self-Paced & Non-Competitive
If you don’t use social media or Marco Polo to stay accountable with this wellness challenge, you can consider:
  • Start a journal where you write down your workouts, water intake and meals.
  • Partnering with a friend or family member who share similar fitness goals to provide motivation and accountability through regular check-ins.
  • Use a visual habit tracker, like a calendar to mark off each day you complete your workouts, water intake and meals, this provides a visual representation of your progress.
  • Check in with a trusted person, regularly update a friend, family member, or coach on your progress.

Daily Requirements

  • 32 oz or more water a day (a good daily goal is 64 oz); 
Competitive: 64 oz or more water a day (1 point)
  • 30 minutes of exercise (examples:  30 minute exercise video, 30 minute walk/treadmill). Exercise can be broken down throughout the day (Ex: 2 sets of 15 minutes each) Monday – Saturday)
Competitive: 30 minutes of exercise, Monday - Saturday (1 point)
  • Daily steps (3,000 a day and gradually increase over the 4 week challenge)
Competitive: 10,000 or more daily steps (1 point)
  • Healthy Meals (see list of approved foods) Must show Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner; Replace one meal with a protein drink, Premier Protein, Muscle Milk, Owyn Plant Based 
Competitive: Healthy Meals (see list of approved foods); Must show everything consumed (1 point)
  • Morning workout/stretch
Competitive: morning workout/stretch, Monday - Saturday (1 point)
  • Weigh-ins (The first weigh in is Monday February 3rd.  After week one the weigh ins are every Sunday morning.)
Competitive: (1 point)

Weekly Activities

  • MINDFUL/MOTIVATION MONDAY: Meatless meals, post a Motivational Quote, Guided Meditation (Marco Polo/Facebook Group)  [Competitive: 5 points]                                
  • TRANSFORMATION TUESDAY: 200 Stairs (can be broken down throughout the day Ex. 4 sets of 50 stairs) [Competitive: 5 points]  
  • WELLNESS/WISDOM WEDNESDAY: Attend bible study and Fasting, Guided Meditation [Competitive: 5 points]  
  • THANKFUL THURSDAY: Post a scripture or one thing you are grateful for (Marco Polo/Facebook Group [Competitive: 5 points]  
  •  FITNESS FRIDAY: 200 stairs (can be broken down throughout the day) [Competitive: 5 points]    
  • SOCIAL SATURDAY: Share a fitness or nutrition tip (post in Marco Polo or Facebook Group) [Competitive: 5 points]  
  • SOULFUL SUNDAY: Weekly Accountability/Recap – How did your week go, what did you do/didn’t.  What changes will you make for the next week? [Competitive: 5 points]  

Food List


  • Chicken
  • Turkey Breast
  • Fish
  • Lean ground beef or turkey
  • Eggs
  • Beans and lentils
  • Nuts
  • Greek yogurt


  • Vegetables: spinach, greens, lettuce, broccoli, kale, cabbage green beans, carrots, bell peppers, squash, zucchini,  and cauliflower
  • Fruits: apples, pears, banana, strawberries, blueberries, oranges, kiwi (one fruit a day)

High Fiber Carbs

  • Baked sweet potato
  • Whole grain pasta
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Oats
  • Whole grain bread
  • Whole grain cereal

Suggested Workouts

Morning Warm-up and Stretch

Exercise Videos

Meditation Videos